9/5/24: ヘ(・ω├┬┴┬┴ Updated some broken links; thanks blogger for breaking links... ┬┴┬┴┤ω・)

Youre probably wondering why I even have a video page if I have a Youtube channel right? Well this is a good way to point you to specific videos and series of videos that may cover different topics. I dabble in a lot of things, so its handy to have a way to organize videos in a way that Youtube cant quite compare. If youre
looking for more videos beyond this, some are linked in the GameDev/GameMod Contributions and Audio pages.
Do you like content covering no clipping through game maps, debug menus, beta/demo versions of games, deep datamining, event breaking, glitches and more? Well, Ive done a bit of that on my channel (but not consistently). The very first video on my channel in fact, in glorious 240p, was event breaking a game using Action Replay codes.
Here's a list of videos to check out(organized by date):

Exploring SMTVV with FreeCam/Debug Mod (2024)
Demon Animations via Debug mod for SMTVV (2024)
Cut Content datamined from SMTV/Comparing to SMTVV (2023/24)
Elden Ring Exploit (2022)
Comparing Kuon Alpha Preview with Final Version (2021)
Using FreeCam with Upscaled RE: CVX stream (2020)
RE 1.5 and RE2 Early Content on the RE2 Demo Disc (2019)
SourceNext RE2 event break glitches (2019)
Sekiro glitches and exploits (2019)
                   Looking at old Resident Evil 2 websites via wayback (2018)
Glitched PSO Ep1 Weapons via Action Replay codes (2017)

Nioh glitches (2015)
Bloodborne glitches (2015)

Discovering an item swap glitch and enemy glitches in Vindictus (2014)
     Showing off the weird things AR Codes were capable of in RE4 (2007)
Playing as Steve Burnside in Resident Evil: CVX using AR Codes (2007)

Do you like content covering lore, developer interviews, theories and little
known facts on video games?
I have a handful of videos on my channel that mainly focus on Resident Evil and
Shin Megami Tensei V/VV at the moment, but maybe you'll find something new?
Here's a list of videos to check out(organized by date):

 SMTVV/SMTV Developer Interviews and Guidebook Lore (2024)
                      SMTVV Trailer Reactions and Theory Discussion (2024)

                   Self-Lore related to the Resident Evil series (2024/2019)
                                Discussing Resident Evil 2 remake leaks (2018)
              Other Resident Evil Lore(RE5/Biohazard Clan Master) (2018/2017)

                   Examining the mysterious RE7 Teaser Demos (2016)

I got my first VR headset in 2021(?), a Valve Index, and ever since then, Ive
become attached to exploring things in Virtual Reality and checking out what
places like VRChat and othe VR games have to offer.
I have a series of VR interviews Ive conducted with fellow VR users and have made
videos highlight various cool worlds to discover in VRChat. If you want to see any of the worlds or 3d things Ive made for VRChat worlds, you can visit the GameDev page.

Here's a list of videos to check out(organized by date):

Beyond Reality: VR Interview series (2024)
VRChat Worlds (2021-202?)

                                                       VR/VRChat How Tos (2021-202?)
                                                      VRChat Music Events (2023)

If you want to check out current video edits for Vinesauce specifically, I help run
the Vinesauce Tiktok. For other custom edits Ive done for Vinesauce or myself,
here's a list of videos to check out(organized by date):